Project Detail
MEET the Goals
Mountain Goals: MEET The Goals for Conservation and Promotion
Mountains usually have steep, sloping sides, sharp or rounded ridges, and high points called peaks or summits. Geologists describe mountains as a landform that rises at least 1000 feet or more above their surrounding area. Mountain ranges are a series or chains of mountains.
The total area of Nepal is 147,516 km2, out of which the mountain area covers 51,817 square kilometers. The Himalayas hold special significance for Nepal and the Nepalese. The mountains of Nepal make the biggest contribution to the country’s economy by serving as major tourist attractions. Not only do these mountains bear aesthetic and economic value, but the water resources originating from them have for ages fulfilled the year-long water needs and nourished life, culture, and civilization in the region.
These mountains of Nepal, long glorified as the tallest and most beautiful in the world, now face the tragedy of being the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. With emerging threats of climate change, environmental degradation, and economic devaluation, our mountains and the resources attached to them are at serious stake.
A balanced blend of action at the local level and advocacy at the national level toward the conservation and promotion of the mountains becomes the responsibility of every Nepalese. Advocacy and action complement and nourish each other; our Project Mountain Environment, Education, and Tourism MEET The Goals for Conservation and Promotion is continuous program of campaign ‘Our Mountains, Our Responsibility- for conservation and promotion started in 2009 as British Council international climate champion program’.
Mountain ranges began to form between 40 and 50 million years ago when two large landmasses, India and Eurasia, collided due to the same rock density and formed. The Himalayas consist of three parallel ranges: the Greater Himalayas, the Lesser Himalayas, and the Siwalik Hills.
MEET The Goals: The Goals for Conservation and Promotion
Specific Objective: To research and document mountain education, environment, and tourism initiatives to conserve mountain environments and promote sustainable development in Nepal.
- To explore tourism possibilities in mountain districts in Nepal
- To develop tourism promotion documents
- To promote community-based tourism
- To conduct tourism education in local schools and colleges
- To develop a mountain info sheet
- Mountain and climate change
- To document knowledge in environmental management and beliefs
Short term
- To promote the importance of linking mountain conservation with different aspects of education, economy, and natural resources.
- To launch the campaign in coordination and networking with different stakeholders and lobby to mainstream the issues in development
- To document existing knowledge and practices on emerging threats of climate change, environmental degradation, and economic
- Facilitating and sharing knowledge among various sectors.
Long term
- To research and document adaptation and mitigation means
- To train and empower communities and organizations on adaptation and mitigation means

Project Activities